East Farmingdale, NY- New York State Governor Hochul signed a legislative package on Veterans Day to “protect and support Veterans and their families”. Hochul said, “By signing these bills into law today, we are taking steps to ensure veterans and active duty military members have the benefits and resources they need, and the flexibility their circumstances require, to best take care of themselves and their families.
Here is a break down of the signed legislation according to a press release from the Governor’s office
Legislation S.7124A/A.7388B changes the beginning of the Vietnam War from February 28, 1961 to November 1, 1955. This change acts to acknowledge the American military presences in the Republic of Vietnam prior to the previous date recognized by the federal and state government. With the signing of this legislation, New York State’s law conforms to federal government and will ensure New York’s Vietnam veterans will receive the credit they deserve for serving in a time of war.
Legislation S.3623/A.7514 ensures that individuals who voluntarily leave their jobs to accompany spouses who are subjects of military transfers will be eligible for unemployment benefits.
Legislation S.701A/A.1140 creates the women veterans advisory committee whose purpose will be to support and assist the Division of Veterans’ Services in locating, educating, and advocating for all women veterans in the State of New York. The committee will be comprised of twelve members: six to be appointed by the Governor, two to be appointed by the Temporary President of the Senate, two by the Speaker of the Assembly, one by the Senate Minority Leader, and one by the Assembly Minority Leader. Appointees must be women veterans of any branch, including the Reserves, who were honorably discharged or have a qualifying condition.
Legislation S.3638/A.7472 establishes a task force on veteran employment opportunities. This group will be charged with holding annual public hearings and making recommendations to the legislature, regarding ways that the state can assist veterans in finding and maintaining meaningful employment opportunities. This task force will be comprised of stakeholders within state government, the private sector and institutions of higher education.
Legislation S.2977A/A.6100A requires that all intake forms for admission or residency to any nursing home, assisted living facility or homeless shelter ask individuals whether they or their spouses ever served in the military. Identifying individuals who are veterans or spouses of veterans enables the state to help these individuals receive the benefits that they have earned and are entitled to receive.
Legislation S.7125/A.2658 authorizes Westchester County to waive certain fees for veterans’ organizations. This waiver facilitates the construction and improvement of veterans’ posts in the area so that veterans can experience a sense of community akin to what they experienced while active service members.
Legislation S.6452/A.3920 enables veterans and reservists to receive benefit information upon applying for or renewing a driver’s license. This will ensure veterans are aware of the benefits they may be entitled to under federal and state law.
Legislation S.5245A/A.6249 provides in-state tuition continuity at SUNY and CUNY colleges for spouses and children of active duty service members following their stationing in New York.
Legislation S.5743A/A.6528 allows for children of military families who are relocating under military orders to preliminarily enroll in the school at which they will be a student. This advanced enrollment ensures a smooth transition and eases the stress of missing classes and changing courses during the school year.
Legislation S.5543A/A.7685 expands the State’s Military Enhanced Recognition, Incentive and Tribute (MERIT) Scholarship by making it available to all families of fallen and disabled service members by removing the current requirement of military service occurring and after August 2, 1990 for their children and spouse to be eligible to receive such scholarship.
Legislation S.763/A.5447 provides all men and women that have served with the ability to receive credits for civil service appointments and promotions by removing the restriction that only combat veterans can receive credits.
Legislation S.6535/A.4089 authorizes a county board of supervisors to require ferries operating within said county to provide free transportation to any member of the United States armed forces in uniform during their enlistment. This waiver of fees is an act of thanks to the men and women who serve our country.
Photo: November 11, 2021 – New York City – On Veterans Day 2021, Governor Kathy Hochul, signs two bills for Vietnam War Era Veterans. The bills amend the real property tax law, the executive law, the public housing law, the public officers law, the civil service law and social services law for eligible veterans. (Kevin P. Coughlin / Office of the Governor)