News Headlines: Wednesday, June 17th 2020

  • On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order on policing.  The order is aimed at encouraging best practices and tracking officers with excessive use-of-force complaints. Critics say the order doesn’t go nearly far enough
  • On Long Island…. Demonstrators returned to East Meadow on Tuesday night… after video of an arrest involving protesters and Nassau police last week, went viral.
  • The NYPD will release all body camera footage of shootings and other instances when force is used and injury or death occurs.  The announcement was made Tuesday by Mayor Bill Deblasio.
  • Governor Cuomo on Tuesday announced that NY hospitals and group homes can now allow VISITORS.  … the visitors must adhere to state guidelines including wearing masks.
  • ACCORDING TO NEWSDAY… More than 200 employees at Stony Brook University’s emergency DEPARTMENT HAVE SIGNED A LETTER… requesting THAT the hospital increase security measures AFTER police say  A MASTIC BEACH MAN allegedly ENTERED THE ER LAST WEEK… WITH WEAPONS… PROMPTING A LOCKDOWN AND EVACTUATION OF 2 FLOORS.
  • The mom of the Manorville boy who allegedly died after sleeping in a freezing cold garage, has filed a lawsuit against the boys father, step mother and some local officials. People magazine says Thomas Valva’s mom is seeking 200 million dollars.
  • Sad news on Tuesday for Long Islanders and Islander fans… after word that the Nassau Coliseum plans to close down at the end of the month…  but County Exec Laura Curran offered a glimmer of hope… saying that the county is exploring all options.
  • And…the coronavirus may have cancelled many things..but apparently it can’t stop the Nathans famous hot dog contest.  Organizers say the event WILL go on … on the 4th of July.. just, with no spectators.