Friday March 11, 2022:  Bad News Jobs; Producer Jon’s Jingle; Motivational Messages

Friday March 11, 2022:  Bad News Jobs; Producer Jon’s Jingle; Motivational Messages

Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week!  Last weekend, Raven threw Alicia a birthday party and his grade is going to largely depend on how it went!  (:15)

Anna tries to not get mad on the air, but you’re one of the thieves who’ve been stealing from her mom then that’s all she needs to know about you!  (3:49)

How much do jingle writers make?  One celebrity posted a Tiktok video complaining about having to write a jingle for Taco Bell, so Anna and Raven got Producer Jon to write his own!  (7:02)

Electronics have been the preferred gift for kids for the last decade, but one study revealed that kids are actually starting to play with real toys again!  Anna and Raven spoke to toy store owner Lori Badanes about which toys kids are enjoying the most!  (9:38)

Do you have a job that requires you to give bad news?  Even though they may be necessary, Anna and Raven have noticed that certain jobs require you to ruin somebody’s day!  (13:29)

It’s time for Mommy’s Margarita Friday!  Moms (and Dads) share all the crazy things that their kids have put them through this week that have definitely earned them a margarita!  (23:56)

Do you need an encouraging message today?  Anna, Raven and the Producers have recorded some inspiring messages that are guaranteed to give you the best day ever!  (27:55)

Joe is on a fitness kick where he’s been getting up at 4:30am every day to run on the treadmill which is set up in the guest room. His day is packed after that and he doesn’t have the time get the run in at any other point. His wife, Rissa, has had enough. It’s loud, wakes up the kids, and wants him to cut it out. He says that everyone will get used to the noise in a few weeks’ time. Whose side are you on? (31:26)

Christina thinks she’s got what it takes to beat Raven in pop culture trivia!  Can she succeed and win the $2800 jackpot?  (39:27)